Attractions- Adventures in Tourism

Butterfly World-Coconut Creek, FL- April 10, 2018
Attractions come in all shapes and sizes. This one is a good sized one when you consider that we are talking about butterflies. The attraction is located within Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek. Depending on when you go, you may have to pay an entry fee to enter the park itself before being allowed to proceed to Butterfly World.
There is ample parking near the attraction. This should never be a problem for you. The attraction itself has an entry fee of $29.95 per adult and slight discounts for children. While this seems a bit high, if you really like the attraction, you can upgrade the same day to an annual pass. The annual pass for adults is $60. This is a good deal if you think you will go to the park twice or more in the same year.
You will enter into the building to pay your admission. When you pay your admission, they give you a park map and the option to purchase a butterfly guide so that you can mark off the butterflies that you see. Even though the guide was only $1, I did not purchase this so I can’t say how detailed or useful it was.
Once inside, you go through a lobby/group meeting sort of area. Off to the side is the research area where you can learn more about the different stages the animal goes through to become the beautiful butterfly that we enjoy seeing. You can see that there is a lot of money going into this area of the attraction for research purposes. Even though I am in my 50’s, I learned a lot about butterflies here.
If you need to visit a restroom prior to going outside, they are located in this area. Restrooms seemed to be clean and well stocked.
Next step is the butterfly area. This is outside so be prepared for the weather. It can get hot in the direct sun. The butterfly area is quite large and filled with many butterflies of various colors. There are a few benches in this area too where you can sit and enjoy the view. While you are asked to avoid touching the butterflies to avoid damaging their wings, do not be surprised if one lands on you and sits for a while.
Within the park there are many different plants. These happened to be in bloom when we were there. It was very pretty to see the various colors of flowers that were included. A vine walk is also part of the park. While I expect this could be very nice during certain times of the year, it was not as robust as I expected it to be.
The attraction is not just about butterflies and plants, there are also aviaries here. These were nicely done as well. We didn’t see as many varieties of birds as we have seen in other places but it was a good experience. It could be that we just didn’t spot them all since it is advertised as a large variety of birds at the attraction.
The Lorikeet area allowed you to feed the Lorikeets and have them on your arms. The charge for the nectar that they provided was $1. Some of the younger children here seemed a bit scared of the birds but many of the others seemed to enjoy the first hand encounter. Note, if you choose to do this, you need the money in cash. Also, birds will and do poop on you at times.
The butterfly museum and bug zoo was put together well and showed the areas around the world where different insects and butterflies are prevalent. The bug zoo portion indicated that there were loose spiders along the ceiling and the walls but it was not mentioned until you entered that area. This was not a problem because, obviously, the spiders that were loose were not a dangerous kind and you really didn’t see them moving around anyway. the dangerous ones were in enclosures to be viewed and not feared.
Butterfly World also had areas to purchase refreshments as needed. The prices seemed to be typical of an attraction. Prices for water, for example, were about $2 a bottle.
There was also a garden center where you could buy various kinds of plants if this is something you would like. The staff seemed knowledgeable about the plants they were selling.
Inside, and on the way out, was the typical attraction gift shop. There were many varieties of products you could buy if this is something you like to do. The area was very clean and the staff was welcoming and friendly.
I liked it here enough to get an annual pass. I feel that it would be interesting to see the attraction at various times throughout the year. The plants might be different depending on the season. I also feel that the research being done and the information being provided for people to learn more about the world they live in is valuable and worth the extra cost.